Traditional Offerings
The traditional opening worship offering will benefit our covenant partners, The Methodist Church of Haiti and The Liberia Annual Conference. Bishop Bard has designated a 10% tithe of the Annual Conference offering received go to After The Storm to initiate response to disasters within the state and to begin mobilizing our response to disasters outside of Michigan.
Haiti: Haitian Assets for Peace International (Advance #3020490) will receive 45% of the total offering. The Michigan Haiti Covenant Partnership invites support for the work in Mizak (South Central Haiti). HAPI empowers women and girls by providing health services through the Start Right program, providing maternity care, and vocational training to alleviate poverty and save lives.
Liberia: Bishop Judith Craig Children's Village in Liberia (Advance #11820A) will receive 45% of the total offering. The funds provide basic needs, education, counseling and healthcare to orphaned and financially vulnerable children.
After The Storm: Neighbors caring for neighbors is at the heart of After The Storm (formerly Michigan Disaster Relief and Recovery.) After The Storm was birthed last year because the Michigan Conference had become experts in disaster case management in other parts of the state. A donation here offers support to those recovering from natural disasters in Michigan.

How to make your donation
Donate online: Use this button to pay with debit or credit card via PayPal. Offerings received via PayPal cannot be credited toward church giving for this event.
Donate by check: Please make your check payable to "Michigan Conference" noting "AC Offering" in the memo line. Mail your check in the envelope sent to your home, bring to Opening Worship, or send directly to: Michigan Conference Center North, 1161 E. Clark Rd., Suite 212, DeWitt, MI 48820.
5K for Child Hunger Relief in Michigan
Walk, Run, Ride or Wag and raise money to relieve child hunger and food insecurity in Michigan. The latest numbers we have indicate 14 percent of children in Michigan are food insecure. Funds raised through registration or donation will be distributed to all counties in Michigan. Learn more, and access child hunger relief resources here.
Register for the 5K below. All participants get a T-shirt. Pet bandanas and cool running hats are available, too. You can donate to child hunger relief by check. Make your check payable to "Michigan Conference" noting "5K/Child Hunger" in the memo line. Please follow the check mailing guidelines above.
Rice Meal Bag Packing
With the Board of Global Ministries, Rice Meal bags will be packed at annual conference to distribute to those in need through Midwest Mission, most recently in Ukraine.
Each rice meal bag contains rice, vitamin pack, dehydrated vegetables and soy. Supplies for Rice Meal Bags are $2 and provide six meals. Deadline to order supplies is May 21.
MEF (Ministerial Education Fund)
This offering is traditionally received during The Service of Commissioning and Ordination. Funds received assist seminary students with educational expenses.
Donate by check: Please make your check payable to “Michigan Conference” noting “MEF” in the memo line. Please follow the check mailing guidelines above.
Golf Scramble for Campus Ministries
Tee off on June 2, 9:00 a.m. at Grand Traverse Resort! Ten holes for $65, all proceeds go to campus ministries. More info here.
Please contact Michigan Conference Meeting Planner and Annual Conference Executive Team member Nancy Arnold